
stories and musings from a techy Dad

A little over 12 months ago, I posted an opinion piece on travel routers. This is just an update, so for context I recommend clicking this link for a quick read.

Since then my travel router has continued to follow me everywhere. In June 2023 it followed me to the US and back, in December 2023 it came to Beechworth where (tethered to my phone) it provided the family with Internet and directly after that it came with us to Bright where it was used to log into the local caravan park's wifi and (again) distribute Internet to the family. In between all of this it has done the Melbourne to Sydney dash countless times.

I may have a few too many travel routers. Perhaps the correct term for multiple travel routers is an embarrassment of travel routers?

But all jokes aside, travel routers are an essential item for all forms of travel. I've taken one with me on every recent holiday and every recent work trip. Th...

I've become a little obsessed with wifi as of late. For many people WFH is here to stay. This is mostly great; we have greater freedom to find harmony between work and personal commitments, commute times are close to zero and there's something magical about attending work in tracksuit. But there's o...